Update Date: May 2023

Created By: Marizane Brummer

1. Go to the TMS URL:  https://tms.euphoria.co.za/ 

2.Choose the desired account. (A user needs access to the menu Item in order to complete the below steps) 

3. Click on the Analytics menu item.

4. Click on the Queue Analytics sub-menu item.

5. Add the Date Range, Queue Type and/or Filter by Queue and click on Display. (When a particular day is chosen, a specific time can be added as well.)

6. Click on the queue you want to view. 

7. The page details will differ depending on if it is an inbound or outbound queue. 



Call Entry Positions

Outbound Abandonments

Queue Abandonments

Short Abandonments

Call Status

Disposition Summary

Ring Attempts

Service Level - Abandon Times

Service Level - Answer Times

Call Activity by Agent

Disposition Summary

Call Activity by Agent

8. Click on any of the dates or numbers that highlight blue when you hover over them to get an analysis of that

   specific Queue call log. 


9. Click on the Open Queue Logs button.

10. Change the search options on the Queue Call Logs page to see information on a specified date, queue, disposition or extension. (When a particular day is chosen, a specific time can be added as well.)

11. Click the Play icon next to any of the calls to listen to the recording. 

12. Click the “+”  in front of a call to open the call path.