Will the service with my current Service Provider be automatically cancelled or cancelled by the Euphoria Porting Department?

Will the service with my current Service Provider be automatically cancelled or cancelled by the Euphoria Porting Department?

  • I acknowledge that it will remain my responsibility to cancel my lines/contract with my current service provider should porting not end in an automatic cancellation 30 days after porting.

  • For a customer porting a PRI/BRI, we need the following (in addition to the standard requirements): 

  • A letter from the customer stating every number they want to port, that they are aware that any numbers not ported will be lost and CANNOT be reinstated. The letter must also instruct the current service provider to either keep the infrastructure or cancel the infrastructure 30 days after porting.

  • Please note to keep the infrastructure, the customer must keep 100 DDI’s on the PRI.

  • The current service provider will continue to charge the customer the service fees for 30 days after porting. If they continue to charge after this date,

  •  the customer will have to take this up with the service provider themselves as we cannot amend anything on an account, not in our company’s name. For a

  • A customer porting an ADSL line, we need the following (in addition to the standard requirements): A letter stating what must happen to the DSL functionality:

  • Option 1: Replace the number being ported with a new number to keep the DSL functionality, i.e., assign a new number

  • Option 2: State that they are happy to lose the DSL functionality (i.e., once porting is complete, they will not be able to ask for a port back and reactivate the DSL)